
2008 Candidate Questionnaire for U.S. SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

The Conservative Caucus invites you to use our Constitutional Government Candidate Questionnaire to help you determine whether your candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate share your principles and have the courage to assert them.  Print this for convenient use and reference.

Please also see our State Legislative Candidate Questionnaire

1. As a member of Congress, would you co-sponsor and vote for a resolution declaring the personhood of every human being from the moment of conception?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

2. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all Presidential Executive Orders which seek to change public policy, thereby infringing on the legislative authority which is exclusively within the domain of the Congress of the United States?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

3. As a member of Congress, would you support the enactment of a 25% revenue tariff in the context of a return to excises, imposts, duties, and apportionment among the states as the means for financing the legitimate Constitutional activities of the Federal government, in place of reliance on the income tax?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

4. As a member of Congress, would you vote to eliminate the income tax, abolish the IRS, and repeal the 16th Amendment?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

5. As a member of Congress, would you vote to transform Social Security from a government program into a privately owned, voluntary retirement program?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

6. As a member of Congress, would you vote to privatize Medicare?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

7. As a member of Congress, would you vote to withdraw the United States from NAFTA and the World Trade Organization?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

8. As a member of Congress, would you oppose all trade agreements such as CAFTA, NAFTA, WTO, and FTAA, each of which conflicts with the provisions of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, stipulating that “Congress shall…regulate Commerce with foreign Nations”?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

9. As a member of Congress, would you vote against granting "fast track" authority to the President of the United States in the context of the Constitutional stipulation that Congress shall regulate commerce with foreign nations?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

10. As a member of Congress, would you vote to revoke most-favored-nation status for Communist China?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

11. As a member of Congress, would you vote to revoke most-favored-nation status for Communist Vietnam?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

12. As a member of Congress, would you vote to withdraw U.S. troops from Bosnia and Kosovo?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

13. As a member of Congress, would you vote to withdraw the United States from membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

14. As a member of Congress, would you vote to increase non-Iraq-related defense spending to at least 30 percent of total Federal outlays?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

15. As a member of Congress, would you vote for the immediate full deployment of a strategic defense for the United States?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

16. As a member of Congress, would you vote to completely end Federal regulation and subsidy of medical care?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

17. As a member of Congress, would you vote to abolish the Federal Election Commission and repeal the Federal Election Law Amendments of 1974 and McCain-Feingold, removing all ceilings on individual contributions to political campaigns?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

18. As a member of Congress, would you vote to assure that the First Amendment rights of media corporations are protected, but that they are no greater than the First Amendment rights of non-media corporations and of individual American citizens with respect to political advocacy, expression, and participation?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

19. As a member of Congress, would you vote to support term limits on Federal broadcast licenses?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

20. As a member of Congress, would you vote to terminate the jurisdiction of the Federal judiciary with respect to appeals relating to alleged violations of the Bill of Rights by state and local government?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

21. As a member of Congress, would you vote to assure that the right of states and local communities to apprehend criminal suspects, bring them to trial, determine guilt or innocence, and apply penalties shall not be abridged or retarded by the intervention of the Federal government so long as due process rights are assured?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

22. As a member of Congress, would you vote to restore the Constitutional requirement that “Congress shall have Power…To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures”?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

23. As a member of Congress, would you vote to require the President of the United States to negotiate the restoration of all U.S. bases and facilities at the isthmus of Panama and levels of troop presence which prevailed on January 20, 1989?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

24. As a member of Congress, would you vote to restore single-sex training and housing in the U.S. armed forces and to exclude females from areas which may become combat zones?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

25. As a member of Congress, would you vote to restore the single-sex status of West Point, the Air Force Academy, Annapolis, and the Coast Guard Academy?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

26. As a member of Congress, would you vote to eliminate all Federal quota and affirmative action programs and requirements?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

27. As a member of Congress, would you vote to repeal the Brady Bill, the assault weapons ban, and all other legislative enactments which infringe on the Constitutionally guaranteed right of individual Americans to keep and bear arms?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

28. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any action by the Federal government which exceeds the delegated, enumerated functions assigned to the Federal government under the Constitution of the United States?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

29. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions, or loan or credit authorizations which include funding for grants which might be awarded to Planned Parenthood and other "family planning" or "population control" organizations?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

30. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for "AIDS education and prevention"?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

31. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

32. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

33. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the Legal Services Corporation (LSC)?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

34. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

35. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the World Bank?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

36. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

37. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the Asian Development Bank?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

38. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the Inter-American Development Bank?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

39. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the African Development Bank?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

40. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

41. As a member of Congress, would you vote against any and all authorizations, appropriations, and continuing resolutions or loan or credit authorizations which provide funding for the U.S. Export-Import Bank?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

42. As a member of Congress, would you oppose all U.S. payments to the United Nations and vote to withdraw from the U.N.?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

43. As a member of Congress, would you vote to repeal all taxes on Social Security benefits?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

44. As a member of Congress, would you vote to terminate the jurisdiction of the Federal judiciary with respect to appeals relating to alleged violations of the First Amendment by state and local government?   YES  NO  UNDECIDED

ACTION ITEM: Please send this to all candidates in your district/state, asking that they return it to you.  You can email it to their campaigns, mail it via the post office, fax it, etc.

When you get a response, please forward a copy to our office.  Thank you!

The Conservative Caucus
450 Maple Avenue East, #309
Vienna, VA 22180
703-281-6782 Fax

Candidate Name, State, Congressional District


A Public Service of The Conservative Caucus
450 Maple Avenue East * Vienna, Virginia 22180 * 703-938-9626
Webmaster: Art Harman
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