The Outrageous 1999 Federal
The Conservative
Caucus |
How did YOUR Senators and Congressman vote on this
Read the full Budget (at Thomas)
Excerpts from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of December 15, 1998
Human Events points out (10/30/98, p. 4) that "Funding under Title X (family planning) for groups like Planned Parenthood increased from $203 million to $215 million....
"[A] provision sponsored by Rep. Ernest Istook (R.-Okla.) restricting government-funded clinics from providing minors with contraceptives was dropped. Istook's provision, which was passed by the House...would have required parental consent for minors to immediately receive contraceptives, but only parental notice if the children were willing to wait a few days."
Human Events points out (10/30/98, pp. 4, 5) that "Funding under Title X (family planning) for groups like Planned Parenthood increased from $203 million to $215 million....
"[A] provision sponsored by Rep. Ernest Istook (R.-Okla.) restricting government-funded clinics from providing minors with contraceptives was dropped. Istook's provision, which was passed by the House...would have required parental consent for minors to immediately receive contraceptives, but only parental notice if the children were willing to wait a few days."
At a press conference at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C. on October 20, speaking as Chairman of The Conservative Caucus, I said:
"The Gingrich-Lott-Clinton budget a comprehensive betrayal of Constitutional obligations and a rejection of the conservative policies for which many Americans thought they were voting in supporting Republican control of Congress in 1994 and 1996."
GOP SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS WHO SUPPORT INCUMBENT GOP LEADERSHIP SHOULD LOSE YOUR SUPPORT"So long as Republican members of the House and Senate vote to retain Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott as their leaders, then they are responsible for the decisions negotiated with Bill Clinton by Gingrich and Lott.
"Even those members of Congress who may, quite properly vote against this latest budget agreement will still be responsible for it, if they vote to re-elect Gingrich and Lott to leadership positions when Congress reconvenes in January."
$17.9 BILLION TO IMF IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL"Among the most egregious decisions made by the Congressional GOP leadership are these:
"1) A $17.9 billion transfer of wealth from American taxpayers to the bureaucrats at the International Monetary Fund and the financial power brokers in behalf of whose private profit they act.
Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution begins by asserting that "All legislative Powers...shall be vested in a Congress of the United States". Congress unconstitutionally surrenders legislative authority vested in it when it assigns control over resources and policy to the IMF."
REPUBLICANS EXPAND FEDERAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION"2) There is no Constitutional role for the Federal government in education. Most grass-roots conservatives have accepted at face value the no longer operative assertion that the Republican Party wants to return control of education to parents and local communities.
But how can that be true when the GOP Congress supports so many of Bill Clinton's primary Federal education control objectives, including Goals 2000, School-to-Work, and Outcome Based Education. The GOP's latest $1.2 billion concession (at our expense) further undermines local and parental control, while enhancing the power of left-wing special-interest pressure groups such as the National Education Association."
CONGRESS FAILS TO BAR PRESIDENTIAL USURPATION OF AUTHORITY RE OFFENSIVE WARFARE"3) While it is good that Congress has committed additional funds for defense, it is outrageous that they have subtracted from that total an additional $1.9 billion to sustain the unconstitutional U.S. presence in Bosnia.
At the same time, the GOP leadership has failed to take decisive action, via NATO, to block United States military action against Yugoslavia, a country which, whatever its faults, has not attacked the United States of America and which is beyond the proper scope of the NATO alliance.
The President has the authority to act unilaterally in defense of our homeland, but he has no authority to launch offensive operations without a Congressional declaration of war."
"4) The decision to send another $200 million-plus to the United Nations at a time when the U.N. has failed to reimburse us for more than $10 billion worth of international intervention operations which have weakened our military and caused American soldiers to fight under foreign commanders bearing the insignia of the United Nations is an additional mark of the absence of principled Republican leadership on Capitol Hill."
"5) The agreement to enact an additional $6 to $7 billion in agriculture subsidies is a significant retreat from the progress toward free market principles which, previously, was one of the few bright spots on the Republican agenda."
HOMOSEXUAL ADOPTIONS PERMITTED"6) The Republicans surrendered on a provision to bar adoptions by homosexual applicants in the District of Columbia."
EUTHANASIA ALLOWED"7) They gave up on a measure to block doctors from "helping" people who are terminally ill to kill themselves."
RU-486 DISTRIBUTION ENABLED"8) They abandoned a widely supported proposal to bar the Food and Drug Administration from licensing RU-486, a poison pill the exclusive purpose of which is to kill innocent, unborn children."
FEDERAL LAND CONTROL EXPANDED"9) They authorized $325 million $55 million more than last year to purchase private lands for purposes beyond what the Constitution authorizes with respect to Federal government ownership."
MORE WELFARE FOR NON-CITIZENS"10) In the area of immigration, they decided to authorize massive new welfare subsidies for non-citizens from Haiti and Nicaragua, even as they voted to, in effect, kill by virtue of a 30-month delay a previously enacted law to require border patrol officers to keep track of non-residents entering and leaving the USA from Mexico and Canada."
HIGH-TECH JOBS FOR FOREIGNERS"And they undermined American workers seeking jobs in high-tech industries by virtually doubling the number of employment visas available for foreign workers from 65,000 to 115,000 over the next two years and 107,500 in the third year of the agreement."
NO TAX CUTS"One of the most transcendent disappointments is the failure of the Republicans to give back any of the hundreds of billions of dollars in tax increases to which they agreed in 1997 not even the modest $80 billion in cuts which they had promised."
NO BUDGET SURPLUS --- $98 BILLION STOLEN FROM SOCIAL SECURITY"The Republicans claim that they have preserved a budget surplus. But, taking into account Social Security taxes which have been diverted from the Social Security Trust Fund $98 billion this year alone there is, in fact, a budget deficit not a budget surplus.
"Of course, the basic question is whether we should have a $1.7 trillion budget at all. Even taking into account inflation, $1.7 trillion is a lot more than the $1.2 trillion being spent at the end of the Reagan Administration and the $600 billion when Jimmy Carter left office.
"And, of course, that $1.7 trillion is merely a down payment on the $1.9 trillion budget which America's bipartisan political establishment intends to saddle us with right after the turn of the century, if not sooner.
"The Conservative Caucus plans a massive grass-roots effort calling on conservative voters to contact their GOP Senators and Representatives in Congress, urging that they replace Newt Gingrich as Speaker of the House and Trent Lott as GOP leader in the Senate."
REPUBLICANS HAVE ABDICATED THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO AMERICAN TAXPAYERSBrad Phillips, Administrative Director of the U. S. Taxpayers Alliance, made the following comments: "The Republican leadership of the Congress has betrayed the hopes of American taxpayers that, following GOP Congressional victories in 1994 and 1996, the size and cost of the Federal government would be reduced.
"Instead, since 1994, overall Federal spending has grown from $1.46 trillion per year to a current level of $1.72 trillion per year, and, under the Clinton-Lott-Gingrich budget deal agreed to in 1997, that number will grow to $1.9 trillion shortly after the turn of the century.
"Tax collections, similarly, will have increased by some $550 billion annually to a grand total of nearly $1.9 trillion.
"The individual income tax alone currently yields $791 billion per year, compared to $543 billion in 1994. It is projected to yield $877 billion in FY 2002.
"We were promised that we would get a paltry $80 billion refund on the Republicans' $550 billion tax hike, but we wound up getting virtually no refund at all.
"It is time for Republicans in Congress to either choose new leaders or forfeit their claim on the votes of tax-paying Americans."
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