
Your guide to the new administration

A Project of
450 Maple Avenue East * Vienna, Va. 22180 * 703-938-9626


To raise up a "new generation of leaders" knowledgeable about the founding principles of American liberty, as set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, cognizant of their continuing relevance to the contemporary public policy issues, and prepared to work to restore the American republic by limiting the Federal government to its delegated, enumerated Constitutional functions and returning American jurisprudence to its Biblical common law foundations.

1) Preparation and printing of pocket Constitutions (including the full text of Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States with Amendments) along with an introduction, explaining the core Constitutional principles of sovereignty and accountability and the boundaries placed on the Federal government in terms of delegated, enumerated functions;

2) a conference for newly elected members of Congress, briefing them on the application of the Constitution to the issues which they will be confronting;

3) distribution to all candidates for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives a periodic brief on Constitutional issues;

4) a monthly column on Constitutional issues for distribution to more than 1,000 college campus newspapers and weekly newspapers throughout the United States (articles also to be distributed to radio talk show hosts);

5) a presence at each of the scores of home school conventions and conferences around the country;

6) campus conservative packs, including key books and other materials on the Constitution to be prepared for distribution to 4,000-plus campus leaders;

7) a media relations firm or specialist to be hired to arrange regular TV and radio appearances promoting the Constitutional Education Program;

8) a website and graphics coordinator to be hired;

9) a monthly publication sent to 2,000 decision makers and opinion leaders across the United States;

10) a publications director to be hired;

11) an outreach coordinator to be hired to arrange for the introduction of the Constitutional Education Program at churches, schools, colleges, and other venues;

12) candidate training conferences with expert speaking presentations to be sponsored in various United States locations;

13) special conferences to be held for high school history teachers and home schooling parents, with a goal of training at least 1,000 teachers;

14) distribution of Constitution Education Project sets of books, DVDs, videos, and CDs to specially identified students, ages 11-25, as well as other interested persons;

15) Constitutional workshops and briefings in all fifty states, plus D.C.; and

16) regular interviews on radio, TV, and internet.

Note:  All of the delineated activities and program goals are contingent on the receipt of donations necessary to cover our costs. Please donate now


Copyright © 2004 The Conservative Caucus, Inc.  All rights reserved.