Obama White House Advisors, Key Staff and
Presidential Commissions |
Cabinet, White House Advisors and other Key Staff
"P e r s o n n e l I s P o l i c y" |
So far, little "Change"
- mostly Clinton & Gore staff, Hillary herself, lobbyists, CFR members, staff
& Board members from Podesta's radical group. Expect Acorn organizers, followers of
Ayers/Alinsky/La Raza and other radicals & perhaps even non-citizens to
fill many appointed and career posts. |
- Chief of Staff: Rahm Emanuel, currently a Congressman from Chicago. He
serves in the House Democratic leadership and will resign his seat.
He is described as a "fiery Democrat". He served as a
political and policy aide in the Clinton White House. His
ACU scorecard is 0%, a completely liberal rating; and he was one
of the key promoters of the jobs-destroying NAFTA treaty.
His role in the Blagojevich scandal still begs questions. Famous
quote which reveals his legislative strategy: "You never want a
serious crisis to go to waste."
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Jim Messina. Former aide to
Sen. Max Baucus, director of personnel for the Obama
transition team and was national chief of staff for Obama's
presidential campaign.
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Mona K. Sutphen. She is a
member of the transition team staff, managing director of
Stonebridge International, a global consulting firm co-chaired
by Samuel Sandy Berger, who was national security adviser
to President Clinton. She worked for the
Clinton White House, 1998-2000.
Member, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
- White House Press Secretary:
Robert Gibbs, a top aide to
Obama on his campaign and in his Senate office.
- White House Communications Director: Ellen Moran, the
executive director of the radical pro-abortion activist
political action committee, EMILY’S List. EMILY's List's mission
is to "elect pro-choice Democratic women to office by raising
money for their campaigns." The appointment serves as one of
many expected thanks to the abortion industry. Moran also
worked with the AFL-CIO and the Democratic National Committee.
In 2000, she headed the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee’s $50 million issue-advocacy campaign; and helped plan
both inaugurals for President Bill Clinton. She worked on
the national campaign staff of Tom Harkin's 1992 presidential
campaign, and was a supporter of Hillary Clinton until she
dropped out of the 2008 race. She also worked with both
David Plouffe, Obama’s campaign manger, and David Axelrod,
his newly selected senior advisor.
- Director of Speechwriting: Jonathan Favreau
- White House Counsel:
Gregory Craig, the Counsel job is partly the "President's
lawyer". Craig was Ted Kennedy's senior advisor, was special
counsel for the impeachment defense of Clinton, and a foreign policy
adviser during the Obama campaign. He will also oversee White
House vetting of potential appointees to the Supreme Court.
Among those Craig has represented are: John Hinckley,
Jr., who attempted to assassinate President Reagan; Pedro Miguel González, President of Panama's legislature, under U.S.
indictment for the 1992 murder of a U.S. soldier, Bolivian
Defense Minister Carlos Sánchez-Berzaín who was accused of human
rights abuses; Haiti's Mevs family which "rose to great
wealth" during 'Papa Doc' Duvalier's dictatorship through a monopoly on the country's sugar industry, and they were
considered a backer of a coup against the democratically elected
Craig represented the father (thus really Castro & the
Cuban Communist Party) of Elian Gonzalez;
Juan Miguel, where he successfully got the boy who had escaped
to freedom sent back to Communist Cuba at gunpoint in a major
international incident. Craig, once President Clinton's
attorney, called the case 'one of the most satisfying
experiences I have had as a lawyer.' Craig also prepared two private
jets to aid Gonzalez's forced return to Cuba. After SWAT
teams seized Elian, he was held prisoner at the Aspen
Institute's Wye River property until being sent to Cuba.
More Info. Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder also
helped evict Elian back to the clutches of Castro. Shame on Obama.
- Senior White House Adviser: Peter M. Rouse. He has been
Obama's Senate chief of staff. He is a veteran staffer on
Capitol Hill and is one of Obama's most trusted advisers.
- Legislative Director: Phil Schiliro, a senior advisor
to the Obama campaign, and former staff member for Rep. Waxman
and Sen. Daschle.
- Attorney General: Eric Holder, who was the No. 2
official in the Justice Department under President Clinton and
pushed Clinton's pardon of fugitive Marc Rich.
- Senior Advisor to the President:
David Axelrod
He was President-elect Obama’s Chief Strategist
during the presidential campaign, and led
Obama’s 2004 Senate campaign. A native of New
York City, Axelrod graduated from the University
of Chicago and spent eight years as a reporter
for the Chicago Tribune, where he
covered national, state, and local politics and
became the youngest political writer and
columnist in the paper’s history. Leaving
journalism in 1984, Axelrod was Paul Simon’s
campaign manager. In 1985, he founded
Axelrod & Associates, a political consulting and
corporate lobbying firm known today as
AKP&D Message and Media. Axelrod has worked for
Democrats across the country, including
Senators Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, and
Herb Kohl, as well as Governor Tom Vilsack of
Iowa, Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts,
Congressman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, and
Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago, along
with some mayors of big cities.
More info on Axlerod.
- Staff Secretary Lisa Brown,
Lisa Brown is the Executive Director of the
American Constitution Society for Law and
Policy. Lisa was Counsel to Vice President
Gore from September 1999 through January
2001, and Deputy Counsel from 1997-1999. In
addition to advising the Vice President on legal
issues, Lisa served on the Executive Board of
President Clinton's Committee for
Employment of People with Disabilities and
worked closely with Vice President Gore's
Domestic Policy Office on a variety of
legislative initiatives. Lisa was an Attorney
Advisor in the Office of Legal Counsel in the
Clinton Administration at the Department of
Justice from 1996-1997. Earlier, she was a partner in the Washington,
D.C. law firm Shea & Gardner. Princeton,
University of Chicago Law.
- Cabinet Secretary: Chris Lu,
He has worked for Obama in a number of roles
over the past four years; Legislative Director
and Acting Chief of Staff in Obama’s Senate
office, and a policy advisor during the
campaign. From 1997-2005, he was Deputy Chief
Counsel to Rep. Henry A. Waxman on the
Democratic staff of the House Government Reform
Committee. Princeton, Harvard Law, Chris was a
litigation attorney at Sidley Austin in
Washington, D.C. (1992-1997), after a clerkship
with the Honorable Robert E. Cowen of the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
- Economic Advisor: Lawrence Summers,
Bill Clinton’s last Treasury secretary
and now a professor at Harvard University, He
might later replace Ben Bernanke as Fed chairman.
CFR. Summers would have had a difficult
time being confirmed for a Secretary post.
Director for Intergovernmental Affairs: Cecilia Muñoz, a
pro-amnesty activist with the National Council of La
Raza (NCLR) (La Raza means "The Race"), one of the most
radical pro-illegal immigration groups in the USA; where
she was senior vice president for the office of research,
advocacy and legislation. Munoz may exploit her position
in dealing with state and local governments by pressuring
government officials to not enforce laws against illegal
immigration, to spend more money on illegals and pressuring more
cities to become sanctuary cities for illegals. Munoz: "I
guess outrage got me pretty far. I found jobs in the immigrant
rights movement. I moved to Washington to work as an advocate. I
found plenty to be angry about along the way and built something
of a reputation for being strident." She tried to deflect
opposition to La Raza's true radical agenda: "My organization in
particular gets challenged, especially in the media. We get
portrayed as a radical, U.S.-hating, brown beret-wearing
separatist organization hell-bent on retrieving the Southwest
United States for Mexico.” She also called amnesty "one of the
most important domestic policies of our time."
- Chief of Staff to the Presidential Assistant for
Intergovernmental Relations and Public Liaison: Michael
Strautmanis. Formerly Legislative Director and Counsel to
Congressman Rod Blagojevich, and worked for Blagojevich's
governor's race in 2002.
Some Names Being
for Transition or Official Jobs |
- Secretary of Labor
possibilities: Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, Jennifer
Granholm; Mary Beth Maxwell, executive director of American
Rights at Work; Ed McElroy, former president of the American
Federation of Teachers; former Rep. David Bonior; Maria
Echaveste, former Clinton White House adviser.
- Henry Rivera, a former Democrat FCC commissioner for FCC
transition team? (He would be part of the expected assault on
free speech on radio).
- Deputy Attorney General
possibilities: Elena Kagan, dean of the Harvard Law School and a
former lawyer in the White House counsel’s office under Clinton.
David Ogden, a former chief of staff to Clinton's Attorney General Janet
Reno, who is currently heading Obama’s Justice Department
transition team.
- Chief Technology Officer: Vinton Cerf, the real inventor of
the internet (not Al Gore). Also Julius Genachowski, a former
FCC counsel who helped set up Obama's campaign, & Symantec chief
John W. Thompson.
- CIA or other intelligence post: John Hamre, (CFR)
president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
- Council of Economic Advisors:
Obama economic advisors Austan Goolsbee or Jason Furman.
- National Economic Council: Dan
Tarullo or Jacob "Jack" Lew, both former economic advisors
in the Clinton administration. Tarullo, a former
assistant to the president for international economic policy, is
coordinating part of Obama's economic transition team; and he is
a member of the CFR. Lew, a
former OMB director under Clinton and former executive vice president at New
York University, heads Citigroup's alternative investments
group. He is a member of the CFR.
Possible Bush Holdovers, at least temporarily:
- Ben Bernake: Federal Reserve Chairman
- Robert Mueller: FBI Director
- Adm. Michael Mullen: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Secretaries, Staff at Departments and Agencies |
- Department of Agriculture
Secretary of Agriculture: former Gov. Tom Vilsack (D-IA).
- Department of Commerce
Secretary of Commerce: Senator Judd Gregg
- Department of Defense
Secretary of Defense: Robert Gates
(CFR), Bush's Secretary of Defense is remaining in this
important post. Henry Kissinger, no friend of freedom, praised
Obama's selection of Gates.
- Department of Education
Secretary of Education: Arne Duncan who is the CEO of
Chicago Public Schools and a friend of Obama. He gave
preliminary approval for an all-homosexual school in
Chicago. Duncan worked with Obama on the Chicago Annenberg
Challenge on curriculum for Chicago Schools, where Bill Ayers
served on the board and influenced the school curriculum. He
supported adopting the dumbed-down
"Everyday Math" curriculum. In 2007, only 17% of eighth
graders tested at or above grade level in reading in Chicago
Public Schools. Duncan is known as a reformer and supports
charter schools and performance pay. But he supports year-round
indoctrination by eliminating summer vacations and "early
education" (taking kids away from mothers at earlier ages to
further weaken the family and indoctrinate). Home schoolers are
suspicious of him.
- Environmental Protection Agency
Secretary of EPA: Lisa Jackson, the currently chief of staff
to New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, and previously was commissioner
of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, where
she authored the N.J. global
warming law. . She
led efforts to regulate CO2 emissions from automobiles and other
sources and can be expected to have near-unlimited authority to
destroy businesses and family budgets with energy taxes and "cap
and trade" Cap and trade will so regulate and cost businesses
that they will move remaining American jobs to
unlimited-polluter China and the third world, all exempt from
CO2 treaties and agreements, leading to far higher greenhouse
emissions worldwide.
- Department of Energy
- Secretary of Energy: Steven Chu, a
Nobel Prize-winning physicist and director of the Department of
Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He is a "climate
change" advocate who favors forcing Americans to pay higher
prices for energy, and opposes the use of coal--without having a
real world alternative. It would take 250 clean nuclear power
plants to replace coal-generated electricity, and in spite of
extremist rhetoric, solar and wind cannot begin to replace
coal-based generation. Chu revealed to the Wall Street Journal in
September: "Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the
price of gasoline to the levels in Europe." Gasoline in Europe
is $7-$9 a gallon! Can you afford to pay that?
- "Energy Czar":
Carol Browner, the radical former
Environmental Protection Agency administrator in the Clinton
administration. She is a member the Socialist
International's Sustainable World Society, serves
on the Board of Podesta's radical Center for American
Progress, and is on the Board of Al Gore's Alliance for
Climate Protection. She is also on the Board with
Rockefeller family members and John Podesta of the League of
Conservation Voters. She is the Principal with The Albright
Group--Madelyn Albright's foreign "consulting"
company which takes money from foreign governments and
clients. Browner's husband, former Rep. Tom Downey
(D-NY) has been an energy lobbyist with the Downey
McGrath Group. Downey is expected to be named an energy
advisor. In 2006, Browner and Downey lobbied on behalf of
Dubai Ports World, which was seeking to buy six major American
port operations. Should anyone who has ever represented
foreign governments be trusted in our government? She was
Counsel to Sen. Al Gore (1988-1991) and Associate
Director of Citizen Action (1981-1986). Before leaving the EPA
under Clinton in 2001, she had all of her computer
records and email destroyed, in violation of a federal
court injunction.
Browner can be expected to lead the charge for Obama's
promise to "skyrocket electric (and other energy)
She was known as the most leftist of Clinton's advisors.
Browner rewrote a law called New Source Review so that power
plants, refineries and other industries were always
breaking particulate emissions rules. But her most dangerous
scheme was having the EPA seize power to declare
carbon and CO2 as a "dangerous pollutant" under clean-air laws
and thus impose heavy taxes and restrictions on all energy.
Under Browner's orders, EPA general counsel Jonathan
Cannon prepared a 1998 memorandum concluding that "CO2 emissions
are within the scope of the EPA's authority to regulate," even
though Congress specifically declined to include carbon when it
last amended the Clean Air Act in 1990. Now a law professor, Mr.
Cannon serves on the Obama transition team.
- Council on Environmental Quality -- Chairman: Nancy
Sutley Los Angeles Deputy Mayor
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Secretary of HHS: WITHDRAWN Tom Daschle, also to be the "Health Care Reform (Socialized
Medicine) Czar". The former Senator (D-SC) is a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) and has been a lobbyist or
"advisor" for drug and
medical corporations with the lobbying firm Alston & Bird.
His wife is also a corporate lobbyist. Daschle is a transition group leader on health care.
His associations with the medical industry could be a conflict
as he oversees the government takeover of health care.
- Department of Homeland Security
Secretary of Homeland Security: Gov. Janet Napolitano of
Arizona (CFR). As governor, she frequently blocked
attempts to secure the border with Mexico, in contrast to her
tough rhetoric. The open border is one of America's greatest
security threats.
- Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Department of the Interior
Secretary of the Interior: Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO), who
has been known for blocking oil drilling.
- Department of Justice
Attorney General: Eric Holder, an enemy of the Second
Amendment. He was deputy
attorney general under Clinton, a senior legal advisor
to Obama's campaign and helped review Obama's vice presidential
candidates. His role in the pardon of fugitive Marc Rich
may present confirmation problems. Since 2001, Holder has been
an attorney at Covington & Burling in Washington, D.C.,
representing corporate clients including Merck. In 2008, Holder
fought to destroy the Second Amendment in the D.C. v. Heller
Supreme Court case; supporting the Washington, D.C. gun ban,
where he said the Department of Justice from Franklin Roosevelt
through Bill Clinton had always believed that the Second
Amendment does not protect the rights of individuals to own guns
for personal use. Holder said that overturning the 1976
law "opens the door to more people having more access to guns
and putting guns on the streets."
More info.
notorious among the requests for
clemency granted during Holder’s tenure was from 16
members of a Puerto Rican Marxist terrorist group, the Armed
Forces of National Liberation, known by its Spanish acronym FALN,
which engaged in a theft and terror campaign in both the U.S.
and Puerto Rico during the 1970s and 1980s.
Along with Obama's Counsel Gregory Craig (see above), Holder
also played a key role in the forced return to Castro's Cuba of
little Elian Gonzalez in 2000. Holder said of the federal agents
who stormed Elian's house with drawn guns: "They were armed
agents who went in there who acted very sensitively..."
More Info. and
More. Shame on Obama.
also pushed through the pardons of Weather Underground
terrorists Susan Rosenberg and Linda Evans, who were associated
with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Rosenberg and Evans had
been jailed for bombing government buildings.
- Department of Labor
- Department of State
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. What hasn't
been said about Hillary? Of course we know about the scandals at Whitewater and the
White House. Secret meetings pushing Socialized medicine. What
was her relationship with Vince Foster? What will be disclosed
from the donation records of Bill's foundation records? Henry
Kissinger, no friend of freedom, praised Obama's selection of
- Department of Transportation
- Department of the Treasury
Secretary of the Treasury: Timothy Geithner, (CFR)
president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Geithner
has been involved in the bailouts, and was Rubin’s
Undersecretary for International Affairs at Treasury under
- Department of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Eric Shinseki a retired US
Army general and Chief of Staff of the United States Army. He
had argued for more troops in Iraq. Member of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR)
Other Cabinet and Executive Office of the President
- Council of Economic Advisers
Director: Christina Romer, an economics
professor at the U. Cal.-Berkeley, Romer also
worked with the National Bureau of Economic
Research and the Federal Reserve.
- Council of Environmental Quality: Nancy
- National Security Council
National Security Adviser: Gen. James L. Jones,
former NATO commander. Henry Kissinger, no
friend of freedom, praised Obama's selection of
- Office of Administration
- Office of Management and Budget
Director: Peter Orszag, currently the Congressional Budget
Office Director, and formerly economic adviser in the Clinton
White House. He worked with Robert Ruben in the
Clinton administration.
- Office of National Drug Control Policy
- Office of Science and Technology Policy
- President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory
- United States Trade Representative
- U.N. Ambassador: Dr. Susan Rice (CFR)
formerly a senior fellow with the Brookings
Institution, a liberal internationalist
organization. She was Senior Advisor for
National Security Affairs on the
Kerry-Edwards campaign. Rice was Assistant
Secretary of State for African Affairs under
President Clinton from 1997-2001. From
1995-1997, Rice was Special Assistant to the
President and Senior Director for African
Affairs at the National Security Council (NSC)
and, from 1993-1995, was Director for
International Organizations and Peacekeeping at
the NSC. She was a senior advisor on foreign
policy to Obama's presidential campaign.
Obama is considering forcing the US into the
UN International Criminal Court, which could
try Americans in UN kangaroo courts, judged by
anti-Americans for invented political crimes.
Rice is considered very pro-UN power. Obama
also supports the U.N. Convention on the Law
of the Sea, the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban
Treaty, the International Convention for the
Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, and
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
Terrorism experts blame Rice for having
played a key role in blocking efforts to
neutralize Osama bin Laden in the 1990s.
According to Mansoor Ijaz, a former trouble
shooter for Clinton, the FBI had their efforts
to capture bin Laden “overruled every single
time by the State Department, by Susan Rice
and her cronies, who were hell-bent on
destroying the Sudan.” In a Washington Post
Op-Ed published in 2002, Mansoor Ijaz and Tim
Carney, U.S. Ambassador to Sudan blamed Susan
Rice for being a major obstacle to accepting
offers of help from Sudan and to share their
intelligence on bin Laden’s terror network. Rice
was also influential in the Clinton
Administration’s remaining uninvolved in the
Rwandan genocide that took place in that
nation in 1994. The Atlantic (September 2001)
published an article by Samantha Power titled:
“Bystanders to Genocide,” and outlined
Rice’s role in the do-nothing policy of the
Clinton Administration. At one point during
debate on what the Administration should do,
Rice said: “If we use the word ‘genocide’
and are seen as doing nothing, what will be
the effect on the November [congressional]
election?” Those present were stunned by her
comment. Lt. Colonel Tony Marley remembers the
statement: “We could believe that people
would wonder that, but not that they would
actually voice it.” Rice claimed that if she
did make this statement it was inappropriate.
White House Offices:
- Domestic Policy Council
Director: Melody Barnes, a former aide to
Sen. Ted Kennedy, and a VP of Podesta's
radical Center for American Progress. Barnes
will be part of the team working for Socialized
- Homeland Security Council
- National Economic Council
Director: Lawrence Summers (CFR)
Under Clinton, he was former Secretary of
the Treasury as well as deputy Treasury
secretary under Rubin. Summers
helped manage financial crises in Mexico, Asia
and Russia. He'll coordinate Obama's economic
- Office of Faith-Based and Community
- Office of the First Lady
- Office of National AIDS Policy
- Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Boards
- USA Freedom Corps
- White House Fellows Office
- White House Military Office
Transition Staff
and Advisors
Most transition staff will end up
with official policy jobs |
Obama-Biden Transition Staff
Transition Co-Chairmen
John Podesta, former
White House Chief of Staff
under Clinton-1998-2001. Podesta
founded the left-wing
thinktank Center for
American Progress with
George Soros's money.
In 1988, he founded with his
brother Tony, Podesta
Associates, a corporate
lobbying firm. Podesta was
counselor to Sen. Daschle
from 1995-1996 and Counsel on
the Majority Staff of the
Senate Judiciary Committee, 1979-1981.
Valerie Jarrett,
President and CEO, The
Habitat Company, a real
estate development
corporation. She is believed
to be Obama's
choice to replace him in the
Senate. She served for eight
years in the City of Chicago
government; first as Deputy
Corporation Counsel for
Finance and Development,
then as Deputy Chief of
Staff for Mayor Richard M.
Daley and finally, as
Commissioner of the
Department of Planning and
Development. Prior to her
City government service,
Jarrett practiced law with
two private law firms. She
is Chairman of the U. of
Chicago Medical
Center Board of Trustees,
and served as a Director
of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago from 2006-2007.
She was Finance Chair for
the 2004 U.S. Senatorial
Campaign for Barack Obama,
the first Treasurer of the
Senator’s PAC, the Hopefund,
and served as a Senior
Advisor to the Obama
Peter M. Rouse, Chief of
Staff to Senator Obama, and
was chief of staff to
members of Congress for more
than thirty years, including
former Senate Democratic
Leader Tom Daschle
(D-SD); Rep. Dick Durbin
(1984/85) and Lt. Governor
Terry Miller of Alaska
(1979-83). MPA from
Harvard’s Kennedy
School of Government.
- "Key Advisor": Robert
E. Rubin (CFR),
who served as Secretary of
the Treasury and headed the
National Economic Council under President
Clinton, currently
serves as both a director
and counselor with
Citigroup, which received
$25 billion in taxpayer
bailout funds. The New York
Times has described Rubin as
a “key adviser” to
President-elect Obama. has
been one of the highest paid
executives at the now twice
bailed-out financial giant
Citigroup: over four years
with Citigroup, Rubin earned
more than $60 million. Rubin
earned $17.3 million in
2006, $16.4 million in 2005,
$16.5 million in 2004, and
$16.6 million in 2003. He
has been associated with the
bank since 1999, served as
its interim chairman from
November to December 2007.
Rubin’s role was described
as an advisor to the
company’s top executives.
Three of Obama’s top
transition officials have
ties to Rubin: Geithner,
Summers and Orszag.
Transition Advisory Board
- Carol Browner,
Principal, The Albright
Group, Former Administrator,
Environmental Protection
Agency under Clinton.
- William Daley, Vice
Chairman, JPMorgan Chase &
Co., Former Secretary of
Commerce under Clinton; in
1993, he served as special
counsel to the President
pushing the passage of
NAFTA. Member, Council on
Foreign relations (CFR).
- Christopher Edley,
Jr., Dean, Boalt Hall School
of Law, Former Associate
Director, Office of
Management and Budget under
Clinton; member,
Council on Foreign relations
(CFR). He chaired
President Clinton's
1998 Affirmative Action
- Michael Froman, Managing
Director, Citigroup, Former
Chief of Staff, Department
of the Treasury under
Clinton, and member,
Council on Foreign relations
- Julius Genachowski,
Co-founder, LaunchBox
Digital; Special Advisor,
General Atlantic, Former
FCC official under
Clinton. He also clerked
for Justice Souter. The FCC
will be a battleground in
the Censorship Doctrine
- Donald Gips, Group Vice
President, Level 3
Communications, Former Chief
Domestic Policy Advisor to
Vice President Gore
- Mark Gitenstein,
Partner, Mayer Brown, Former
Chief Counsel, Senate
Judiciary Committee
- Edward Kaufman,
President, Public
Strategies, Former Chief of
Staff, Sen. Biden
- Janet Napolitano,
Governor of Arizona, member,
Council on Foreign Relations
- Federico Peña, Managing
Director, Vestar Capital
Partners, Former Secretary
of Transportation and
Secretary of Energy under
Clinton, Member, Council
on Foreign relations (CFR).
- Susan Rice, Senior
Foreign Policy Advisor,
Obama campaign, Former
Assistant Secretary of State
under Clinton,
Member, Council on Foreign
relations (CFR).
- Sonal Shah, Head of
Global Development
Initiatives, Google.org;
Former Treasury Department
and National Security
Council Official.
Prior to Google.org, she was
VP at Goldman, Sachs and
developed and implemented
the firm’s environmental
strategy. She is also the
co-founder of Indicorps. As
the former Associate
Director for Economic and
National Security Policy at
Podesta's leftist
Center for American
Progress, Sonal worked on
trade & outsourcing.
Before that she worked for
eight years at the
Department of Treasury under
Clinton on various
economic issues and regions
of the world. She was the
Director of the office
covering sub Saharan Africa,
worked in Bosnia and Kosovo
after the war, and served as
the senior adviser to the
Under Secretary and
Assistant Secretary at the
Department of Treasury
during the Asian financial
Transition Senior Staff
- Chris Lu – Executive
- Dan Pfeiffer –
Communications Director
- Stephanie Cutter – Chief
- Cassandra Butts –
General Counsel
- Jim Messina – Personnel
- Patrick Gaspard –
Associate Personnel Director
- Christine Varney -
Personnel Counsel
- Melody Barnes –
Co-Director of Agency Review
- Lisa Brown – Co-Director
of Agency Review
- Phil Schiliro – Director
of Congressional Relations
- Michael Strautmanis –
Director of Public Liaison
and Intergovernmental
- Katy Kale – Director of
- Brad Kiley – Director of
Transition Agency Review Teams
"The Agency Review Teams for the Obama-Biden
transition will complete a thorough review of key
departments, agencies and commissions of the United
States government, as well as the White House, to
provide the President-elect, Vice President-elect,
and key advisors with information needed to make
strategic policy, budgetary, and personnel decisions
prior to the inauguration. The teams will ensure
that senior appointees have the information
necessary to complete the confirmation process, lead
their departments, and begin implementing signature
policy initiatives immediately after they are sworn
Agency Review Co-Chairmen:
- Melody Barnes
She was the Senior Domestic
Policy Advisor to the Obama
campaign. Previously, she was
the Executive V.P. for Policy at
Podesta's Center for American
Progress, Chief Counsel to
Senator Ted Kennedy on
the Senate Judiciary Committee
where she worked on "women’s
health and reproductive rights"
(abortion) and shaped religious
liberties laws. She was a Principal at The Raben
Group. She was also Director of
Legislative Affairs to the U. S.
Equal Employment Opportunity
- Lisa Brown
is on leave from the American
Constitution Society for Law and
Policy where she is the
Executive Director. She was
Counsel to Vice President Gore,
and previously worked in the
Office of Legal Counsel at the
Department of Justice, was a
Partner at the D.C. law firm of
Shea & Gardner (now Goodwin
Procter), and clerked on the
Eleventh Circuit Court of
Appeals for the Honorable John
C. Godbold.
- Don Gips
is on leave from his role as
Group Vice President of Global
Corporate Development at Level 3
Communications, Previously, he
served in the White House as
Chief Domestic Policy Advisor to
Vice President Gore, and was
Chief of the International
Bureau at the FCC where he was
responsible for the WTO
negotiations and all spectrum
policy. He also helped launch
the Americorps Program at the
Corporation for National
Service. Before entering
government, he was an Executive
Manager at McKinsey & Co.
Working Group Members
- Seth Harris
- David J. Hayes
- Reed Hundt
- Sally Katzen
- Tom Perez
- Ray Rivera
- Sarah Sewall
- Louisa Terrell
- Michael Warren
- Tom Wheeler
- Jon Wilkins
- Deputy Director Lisa Ellman
- Special Assistant Liz Fujii
- Special Assistant Joani Walsh
Economics and International Trade Team Leaders
- Reed Hundt
- Michael Warren
- Josh Gotbaum
- William “Thomas” Dohrmann
- James Johnson
- Anjan Mukherjee
- Gregory L. Rosston
- Sylvia Mathews Burwell
- Susan Ness
- Phil Weiser
- Peter M. Shane
- Fred P. Hochberg
- Ginger Lew
- Gary Gensler
- Mozelle W. Thompson
- Peter Blair Henry
- Lisa D. Cook
- George Munoz
- Nelson Cunningham
- Alan H. Fleischmann
National Security Team Leaders
- Sarah Sewall
- Tom Donilon
- Wendy R. Sherman
- Michèle A. Flournoy
- John P. White
- Robert R. Beers
- Clark Kent Ervin
- Gayle E. Smith
- Aaron Williams
- John O. Brennan
- Judith A. (“Jami”) Miscik
Justice and Civil Rights Team Leaders
- Tom Perez
- Dawn Johnsen
- Alejandro Mayorkas
- David William Ogden
- Tom Perelli
- Theodore M. Shaw
- Aderson Bellegarde Francois
- Judge Cruz Reynoso
- Spencer Overton
- Robert Lenhard
- Alan W. Houseman
- LaVeeda Battle
- Kareem Dale
- Marilyn Golden
Energy and Natural Resources Team Leaders
- David J. Hayes
- Bart Chilton
- Carole Jett
- Elgie Holstein
- Elizabeth Montoya
- Sue Tierney
- Cecilia V. Estolano
- Lisa Jackson
- Robert Sussman
- Rose McKinney-James
- Keith Harper
- John Leshy
Education & Labor Team Leaders
- Seth Harris
Judith A. Winston
Michael Camuñez
Deborah Jospin
Shirley Sagawa
Thomas A. Kochan
Nancy E. Peace
Phyllis Segal
Joseph Swerdzewski
Edward Montgomery
Cynthia Estlund
Linda A. Puchala
Richard Huberman
Department of Health and Human Services Team Leaders
Tom Perez
Anthony Brown
William Scott Gould
Pamela Gilbert
Bill Corr
Nicole Lurie
Roberta Achtenberg
Xavier de Souza Briggs
Bruce Katz
Dr. Susan Daniels
Jim Roosevelt
Jonathan D. Moreno
Science, Tech, Space and Arts Team Leaders
Tom Wheeler
Don Beyer
Ralph Everett
Susan Crawford
Ken Werbach
Lori Garver
Roderic (“Roddy”) Olvera Young
Bill Ivey
Anne Luzzatto
Clement Price
Jim Kohlenberger
Henry M. Rivera
Executive Office of the President Team Leaders
Sally Katzen
Antony Blinken
Ivo Daalder
Mara Eve Rudman
Audrey Choi
Michele Jolin
George Frampton
Thomas Soto
Al Lenhardt
Todd Stern
Mark Lindsay
Brad Kiley
Barbara Chow
Bowman Cutter
Christopher Putala
Donald Vereen
Thomas Kalil
Mario Molina
Anna Gomez
Peter Cowhey
Rick Stamberger
Government Operations Team Leaders
Sally Katzen
Martha Johnson
Jane Woodfin
Bruce McConnell
Gloria Parker
Amy Comstock Rick
Elaine Kaplan
Linh Nguyen
Sylvia Bolivar
Stephen Crawford
Transportation Team Leaders
- Seth Harris
- Mortimer Downey
- Jane Garvey
- Michael Huerta
- John Cullather
- Carol Carmody
Commissions and Advisory Boards |
Vice President
Elect Biden's Advisors and Staff |
- Chief of Staff: Ron Klain
- Assistant to the Vice President and Director of
Communications: Jay Carney, currently ultra-liberal Time
Magazine's Washington, DC bureau chief.
First Lady
Elect Michelle Obama's Staff |
Other: |
- Chairman of the DNC: (Howard Dean will step
down in January)